Crabbin For A Cure presented by Mud City Crab House!

Crabbin For A Cure
Crabbin For A Cure




Our last major event for 2014 is Crabbin for a Cure at Mud City Crab House on Wednesday October 22nd. It’s one of our two oldest events along with Jetty’s Coquina Jam. We will be holding a special 50/50 raffle at each seating but no auction this year. We appreciate EVERYTHING our auction gift donors/sponsors do for us throughout the year and we never take your efforts for granted. We are asking you to join us for a relaxing evening of amazing food, cocktails and great friends with the best staff this side of the Mississippi! Please contact to reserve your sponsorship or seats today.


Thank you!



Semi-Annual Update Summer 2012

Dear Friends,

David’s Dream and Believe Cancer Foundation (DD&BCF) would like to use this semi-annual update to inform you of a major change to our mission statement. Also, we have news from our 2 major sponsors JETTY and Mud City Crab House. Please see the list of upcoming events and the 6 attachments. DD&BCF would like to welcome all of our newest supporters to the Foundation and thank the ones that have been with us from the beginning because we would not be able to help our patients/families in need without all of YOU!

First and foremost, it was unanimously agreed upon and approved at the annual Board of Director’s meeting that we revise our mission statement as follows: David’s Dream and Believe Cancer Foundation is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit that raises funds to provide financial assistance to families affected by a cancer diagnosis to help them offset the costs of physician visits, treatments, medications, lodging and transportation. We have removed the research funding portion of our past mission statement. It is our belief that DD&BCF is best suited for helping those patients/families burdened by the financial strains of a cancer diagnosis. This belief is driven from the heart of our founder, echoed by its directors and confirmed by our growing army of supporters/sponsors! We remind you of a quote from our founder that he read a while back, “Kindness is the Shadow of God in Man”! Once again, these examples of GIVING are only made possible by the large shadows being cast by our supporters! The 3 examples below are just a small glimpse of our renewed mission towards patients/families.


  1. Mother diagnosed for a 2nd time with breast cancer. Shortly after diagnosis, her house burned to the ground.  DD&BCF helped to pay for living in a local hotel for her, her husband and their 5 year old son.
  2. Mother of 5 battling breast cancer while husband (ambulance driver) takes off work to attend to her and the kids. Family was served an attorney eviction letter on a Friday. DD&BCF showed up on Saturday paying 3 months past due rent and one month forward.
  3. 16 year old girl battling osteosarcoma and in need of a partial lungectomy needed to travel from PA to MD Anderson Hospital in Houston, TX by car with mother and 2 other siblings. A cancer retreat, a lower cost lodging option they had chosen, was 2 hours from the hospital. DD&BCF secured lodging 1.5 miles from Hospital with free shuttles to the hospital and free breakfasts for the entire trip.


  1. Saturday July 14TH, Gilbert Gottfried Comedy Show benefit at Longshot’s.
  2. Saturday August 4TH, Fourth Annual JETTY Coquina Jam.
  3. September 2012, “Girls Night Out and Live Bachelor Auction”, date and place TBD.
  4. Wednesday October 24th, Second Annual Crabbin For A Cure at Mud City Crab House.

Gilbert Gottfried:

Longshot’s restaurant and bar in Waretown, NJ is kindly donating all proceeds from the 10:30 comedy show of Gilbert Gottfried on
Saturday July 14, 2012. Please see attached flyer for details and contact us directly for tickets at

JETTY Coquina Surf Jam:

Simply put, this event last year breathed new life and positive energy into the Foundation and it’s a distinct possibility that DD&BCF would not be here today had it not been for this 2011 event. This is a female surf contest that benefits DD&BCF which in return donates gift
contributions to local breast cancer patients in need. Please see attachments regarding this event including a press release, sponsorship form and flyer. We would ask that you consider sharing this press release and flyer with your friends and business associates. Also, please consider becoming a sponsor for this great event whether it is a t-shirt, business or new this year (In Honor – In Memory) real estate signs which will be displayed on the beach.

Girls Night Out & Live Bachelor Auction:

September 2012. This is currently a work in progress. Please contact our Secretary Joyce DeGregorio
with any questions, suggestions or bachelors?

Crabbin for a Cure:

This event was born out of a dinner amongst some friends at Mud City Crab House and within 30 days “Crabbin for a Cure” took place and in excess of $17,000.00 was raised for DD&BCF. This far exceeded our wildest expectations and has quickly become a signature event for
DD&BCF along with the JETTY Coquina Surf Jam and now our Cruisin for a Cure. We have been receiving requests for tickets as soon as the day after last year’s event. Co-owners of Mud City Crab House Melanie & Eric Magaziner and Bob & Gina Nugent have opened up the tickets for this year’s event. Please see the attached Crabbin letter from Melanie and sponsor forms. We would ask that you consider sharing Melanie’s letter and our sponsor form with your friends and business associates. Tickets for this year’s event are going to sell out rapidly!

Lastly we are committed to help those patients/families burdened by the financial strains of a cancer diagnosis. However, our commitment is only fueled by the generosity of our individual and corporate sponsors. Please take a minute to share the attachments in this email with your contacts, find us on Facebook and visit our website for updates on giving.


2nd Annual Crabbin’ for a Cure

After a hugely successful inaugural event in 2011, we’re happy to announce that Crabbin’ for a Cure will go down again on October 24, 2012 at Mud City Crab House.  DDBCF, Mud City & Jetty worked together last year to put together this event in less then one month and the results were astounding as we raised over $17K in one night!  This year, the event will run in a very similar fashion with two dinner seatings @ $50/plate.  Below please find information on sponsoring this fund raising event:


Event Date 10-24-2012


The sponsorships will allow your company logo to be present on the Crabbin’ for a Cure long sleeve shirt and support an amazing cause.  Donations cover all event related expenses: long sleeve high quality shirts, food, wine & beer, entertainment, insurance, etc.  The following sponsorships are available:


$2000.00 includes 12 tickets to the event, 12 event shirts, wine for your table, the platinum sponsor will be the only logo on the sleeve of the shirt, and recognition in all media advertising, as well as being listed on both the DDBCF & Mud City websites.



$1000.00 includes 6 tickets to the event, 6 event shirts, wine for the table, predominant logo placement on back of shirt, recognition in media advertising



$600.00 includes 4 tickets to the event, 4 event shirts, & company logo on back of shirt



$150.00 includes your family name/business name on back of shirt and 1 event shirt





PLATINUM $2000              GOLD $1000                       SILVER $600                       T-SHIRT $150


Business Name:_________________________________________________


City, State, Zip:__________________________________________________

Contact Name:__________________________________________________

Phone Number:__________________________________________________



Fax this form to Melanie @ 609-978-3662 to hold your space

Please make checks to: DDBCF or David’s Dream and Believe Cancer Foundation

Mail along with this form to DDBCF 28 Magnolia Road, Manahawkin, NJ 08050

Email company logo to

If you have an auction item you would like to donate please email Ginna Nugent at

Summer Dreaming 2012

Dear Friends,
We want to take this opportunity to update you on our 2 most recent events, post a picture of our Cruisin shirts that are on sale right now and give you a preview of upcoming events and dates.

KENTUCKY: Tim Hall, Lindsey Kunze and David completed the Louisville Kentucky Derby ½ marathon on Saturday morning 4/28 and attended a fundraiser in Lexington for DD&BCF on Saturday night. This event was created by Tim and Janice Hall’s daughter Ashley and was attended by family, co-workers and friends from the community and church. It was great for us to bring our mission to Kentucky and we were even able to help a woman struggling through a 2nd bout of breast cancer whose house had just burned down and was living in a hotel with her kids and husband.

CRUISIN: We need to start by thanking our chairperson Kathleen Ryan for creating this event and managing every aspect of this event for DD&BCF. She has created something incredible that will be in our stable of fundraising events for many years to come and we are so grateful and appreciative of her tremendous efforts. The weather did not fully cooperate but that didn’t dampen the spirits of nearly 35 motorcycles, 15 classic cars, volunteers, sponsors and guests. We need to thank Barnegat Police Department and specifically Kathleen Ryan’s husband Jeff, Long Beach Twp. Officer Gary Gore for leading the procession, Waretown Police Department and New Jersey State Police including our friend Eric Schmitt for orchestrating a NJSP Helicopter flyover. Also, we want to thank Longshot’s and the Brother Pete Band. We added our Jetty created Cruisin shirts to our t-shirt page for $15.00 (you may also message us about purchasing them). The day prior to the event, our secretary Joyce DeGregorio and David visited a woman battling breast cancer in Toms River with her husband and 5 children. They had been served a legal notice that they were being evicted due to their rent being 3 months behind. Thanks to the generosity of the DD&BCF faithful; the family will not be going anywhere!

GIVING: Most importantly, we want to update you on the progress of our gift contributions since the inception of DD&BCF in 2010. The following accomplishments are only made possible by the generosity of our sponsors and donors. Our giving began in January 2011 and has resulted in 25 gift contributions to 24 people from age 13 to 76 including 14 different states.

1. Friday June 1ST, Relay For Life of Manahawkin benefits ACS. Team David’s Dream and Believers.
2. Saturday July 14TH, Gilbert Gottfried Comedy Show, DD&BCF benefit at Longshot’s.
3. Saturday August 4TH, 4th Annual JETTY Coquina Jam.
4. Wednesday October 24th, 2nd Annual Crabbin For A Cure at Mud City Crab House.
5. COMING SOON – Climbin For A Cure, February 2013!!!

Lastly, our website is being revised again to keep you better updated on gift contributions, upcoming events and blogs on past events as well as pictures, videos and articles featuring DD&BCF. We ask you to please share our website with your friends, family and coworkers. It’s only through an energized community that we can and will make a difference in our fight against this dreaded disease. We thank you for your continued support. Dream and Believe!!!

Cruisn for a Cure LST

Answering the Call!

We have several events planned for 2012 and just wrapped up our first annual “Let the Goodtimes Bowl” event in Manahawkin, NJ. Our “Call to Action” at the beginning of the year has been answered by many individuals in our community. Our President Tim Hall’s daughter Ashley, answered the call and is holding a local fundraiser in Lexington, KY after her father, Lindsey Kunze, a few other friends & David run a 1/2 marathon in Louisville on Saturday, April 28th. David has raced this 1/2 marathon many times with Tim, but this race will be extra special for so many reasons.

The following weekend, on Sunday, May 6th, Kathleen Ryan, who also answered the call, is holding a motorcycle & classic car ride “Cruisin’ for a Cure” starting in Barnegat, NJ and ending at Longshots in Waretown, NJ.

We will again be participating in the Manahawkin Relay for Life on Friday June 1st. Deb Mella is the captain of our team and answered the call as the top fundraiser at last year’s event and is on track to win that title again this year.

The Jetty sponsored 4th Annual Coquina Jam female surf contest on Saturday, August 4th will again benefit local breast cancer patients in our community.

Lastly, we will finish the year off with our extremely popular and successful “Crabbin’ for a Cure” benefit at Mud City Crab House.

In addition, we’d like to thank Cathie Banas (31 Gifts) & The Irons Family who are both donating to DD&BCF this month!   Stay tuned for additional details on all of these great events and thank you so much to those who have answered our “Call to Action“!