Generation Dream

Generation Dream 1st Meeting - 6/25/2014
Generation Dream 1st Meeting – 6/25/2014

We want to take a minute to thank the Amazing Kids & Parents from our youth sub-group of David’s Dream & Believe Cancer Foundation called “Generation Dream.”

The picture to the left was taken at our first meeting on June 25th 2014 with 23 kids. We currently have 74 kids registered to be a part of this amazing youth movement within David’s Dream & Believe. The children are committed to generating a ripple effect of Kindness, Love & Hope for NJ families living with a cancer diagnosis.

In one year, the kids have been responsible for several fundraising projects including a Lakewood Blueclaws Game, Thundering Surf Funday, Kids 4 Change, Project Dream & Holiday Cornbread Sale with our friends from Shore Fire Grille. Some of the kids have created their own fundraisers: Domenick Crisalli asked his mom to do a wear your jeans to work day and he also sold some of his own clothes online to raise money for DDBCF. Hadley Magaziner raised funds for DDBCF with a couple of lemonade stands during the summer and Cuade Deely created our very stylish Generation Dream Socks which can be found on our website by clicking the Shop Tab.

Generation DREAM Socks

All of the kids & parents volunteered at a variety of David’s Dream & Believe events throughout 2014 including: 6th Annual Jetty Coquina Jam, Night at the Lakewood Blueclaws, Rocktoberfest, TGI Friday’s Regional Competition & Survival of the Mills.

Most importantly, the kids from Generation Dream planned and hosted a Holiday Party at SOMC for the Oncology Patients & their families. This was the culmination of an incredible inaugural year for Generation Dream and we could not be prouder of each every member of this group. A Huge thank you to all the parents of these amazing kids. We know without your commitment to the Foundation in driving the kids to meetings, events and fundraisers – none of this would be possible.

Lastly, we want to recognize one of our newest Director’s Kim Manzella who currently serves as our youth Director and is the creator of Generation Dream. Kim leads Generation Dream with her Huge Heart and is a wonderful example to the kids and to all of us of what it means to lead a “Pay it Forward” lifestyle! A special thanks to Melanie Magaziner, Kristin Panzone Jillian Elsasser and Dani Corso for their help with Generation Dream projects throughout 2014!



Project Dream

Project Dream
Project Dream

“Project Dream” is a Holiday Fundraiser created by our youth Director Kim Manzella and the children from our youth sub-group called Generation Dream! This Holiday Season, Generation Dream is focused on paying it forward and specifically to the patients and families living with cancer in our community. There are so many families right now that need our help and the goal of Project Dream is to make that happen with your support!

Generation Dream is asking you to give the Gift of Hope this Holiday season and they have made it very easy for you to do that.

You can write a check made payable to DDBCF, PO Box 1199, Manahawkin NJ 08050 and note Generation Dream on the check.

You can also visit our website at David’s Dream & Believe Cancer Foundation:

  1. Click on the Donate Tab
  2. Scroll down to option Donation Events
  3. Click on drop-down and choose Generation Dream
  4. Under NAME, you can write the name of a specific child from Generation Dream for who you are making a donation or simply leave blank.

“Only By Giving Can We Receive More Than We Already Have!”

Project Dream