In 2010, a small group of dedicated and compassionate friends joined together to create a vehicle for giving to pay forward the same kindness, generosity of spirit and love that I received during my own battle with stage IV head and neck cancer. David’s Dream & Believe Cancer Foundation was born and set out to provide support to 1-2 patients per year.
Yesterday, we reached yet another bittersweet milestone. We provided support to our Two Thousandth Patient with direct financial aid of nearly $1.9 Million Dollars! The numbers are staggering but we recognize there is an amazing patient with a story behind every number.
Landmark milestones such as reaching our TWO Thousand Patient are a time to celebrate, but also a time to renew our commitment to the David’s Dream & Believe mission of HOPE for patients and their families affected by this deadly disease. That is where you come in. Despite having reached a nearly $1.9 million dollar milestone of giving, we are seeing a continued avalanche of patient requests and your ongoing participation is as crucial now as it was when our journey began 10 years ago. We ask you to consider helping David’s Dream & Believe Cancer Foundation as a financial donor, dedicated sponsor, or Mission of Hope Giving Partner in 2021.
Please contact Co-Founder: David Caldarella or Vice Chair of Community Affairs: Danielle Corso to learn more:
David Caldarella