SOMC Oncology Holiday Party

SOMC Holiday Oncology Party
SOMC Holiday Oncology Party

We have a special relationship with our local hospital Southern Ocean Medical Center (SOMC) in Manahawkin, NJ and the majority of our patients come directly from SOMC. We work very closely with the nurse navigators, nurses, doctors, administration and ultimately the patients from SOMC. We believe a unified effort between SOMC and David’s Dream & Believe Cancer Foundation will greatly benefit the journey for our local cancer patients.

“You Have Cancer” are the dreaded words nobody ever wants to hear but it’s our mission to bring COMPASSION, LOVE and HOPE to our patients and families battling a cancer diagnosis.

Our youth group Generation Dream is responsible for every aspect of this event and we couldn’t be prouder of this group of inspired kids who continue to make a difference in the lives of our patients and their families.

We are inviting the patients of SOMC and 1 guest to join us for our 1st Annual SOMC Oncology Holiday Party on Friday December 12th between 4-7pm. Please RSVP by emailing or 609-548-3382.