Braeden Shaffery
9 year old Braeden Shaffery from Manahawkin, New Jersey wanted to make a difference in the lives of local families battling a cancer diagnosis. Braeden is a member of David’s Dream & Believe Cancer Foundation’s youth group: Generation Dream and attends McKinley Elementary School in Manahawkin. He asked his parents Patrick and Michele Shaffery if he could donate the proceeds from a yard sale made up mostly of his toys, games, books and clothes to David’s Dream & Believe Cancer Foundation. Braeden took the initiative to ask family, friends and neighbors for donations on top of the yard sale. Braeden was very determined and set lofty goals for himself. We always preach that the smallest ripple can create a tidal wave and Braeden took this mantra to heart.
Braeden Shaffery raised a staggering $900.00 with his fundraising efforts! Braeden is a shining example that compassion, generosity of spirit and love comes in all sizes. A special thank you to Braeden’s mom and dad.
On behalf of all of us at David’s Dream & Believe Cancer Foundation and most importantly our families battling a cancer diagnosis, Thank You Braeden Shaffery!