Hello Everyone,
It has been a very busy couple of months and I wanted to take the opportunity to provide a few updates both personal and with regard to David’s Dream & Believe Cancer Foundation (DD&BCF). In addition, I am including guidance for upcoming events in June to support DD&BCF.
Personal & Foundation Update
First and foremost, my most recent PETscan results were all clear!
As some of you know, I just returned from a brief trip back to Florida. To say it was just what the doctor ordered would be incredibly understating the importance of my time there. I want to specifically thank my Florida family (Arias, Bruno, Iervolino, Linden) as well as the Scatchard and Brustas family. You all made my return that much more special!
Also, I want to take this opportunity to update you on a few DD&BCF activities surrounding contributions made on behalf of the foundation. As previously blogged, the foundation has provided contributions to 11-year-old Molly Zahner battling osteosarcoma and 2 funds at Thomas Jefferson University Hospital (TJUH). The most recent contribution was given to 74-years young Rita Gold. Rita showed her support to me during my cancer battle with cards, prayers and love even though she had never met me. Rita was diagnosed with lung cancer this past January. I was able to surprise Rita with a contribution from the foundation to help out during her cancer battle thanks to the generosity of many of you over the past 6 months. Please visit our website and click on the tab Media for pictures of Molly, Rita and my donations to TJUH. You will also find thank you letters under the recognition tab from various TJUH staff.
Honorary Chair Person for 2011 American Cancer Society (ACS) – Relay for Life/Manahawkin
As all of you may know from past updates, I have been designated “Honorary Survivor Chairperson” for the 2011 American Cancer Society (ACS) – Relay for Life in Manahawkin”, NJ on June 3rd& 4th 2011. I have been asked to provide a brief speech as part of the opening ceremonies to kick off the events on June 3rd at 7:00PM at the Southern Regional High School Track in Manahawkin, NJ. This is a great honor and I look forward to sharing my thoughts on my experiences over the last year and motivation as a cancer survivor.
As an acknowledgement and appreciation, I have set up teams to participate in the Relay for Life under the David’s Dream & Believe name. Please join me and the other team members in support of this very special event. The ACS/Relay requires someone to be on the track for the entire event. My goal is to walk all 12 hours, and I would be so grateful if anyone considered joining me for even just a portion of the time. You will be signed up for the event by simply responding to this email by May 25th. Please list names of all participants. DD&BCF will then enter you on the designated teams.
Ways to Support DD&BCF without Walking
- We will all be wearing the DD&BCF T-shirts as a team for the ACS Relay for Life, but you can order a T-shirt and support the fundraising efforts for DD&BCF by providing a donation of $25.00 or more via our website through PayPal or via check sent to: 28 Magnolia Road, Manahawkin NJ 08050. Please provide your shirt size.
- We have arranged for businesses and families to provide financial support and also gain recognition. You can purchase one of two different sized banners to support the teams walking in the Relay for Life event. A 2’x5’ size for $100.00 or a 3’x6’ size for $150.00. These banners will be displayed around the track and grounds the night of the event. Your family name, business name or business logo will proudly be displayed on the banner. After the event the banners will be provided back to the family or business to display at their location. We will also be adding a sponsorship page to our website where we will display your name, logo and link to your website for 1 year.
A portion of the proceeds will be donated to the ACS Relay for Life Event.
DD&BCF Celebration Barbecue
Regardless of whether you are participating in the ACS Relay for Life event or not,
Please join us for a BBQ at 13 Anderson Drive, Spray Beach NJ following the relay event on Saturday June 4th from 11-7 to welcome the summer and catch up with old friends. Please RSVP to this email by May 25th if you will be attending the BBQ and how many people.
I am so excited for all the great things that are happening as we approach the summer of 2011. The board and I are meeting on a regular basis. I look forward to sharing with you additional updates and plans for the second half of 2011.
I look forward to seeing everyone soon.
Dream and Believe,