Busy Bees Kids Therapy is a multidisciplinary pediatric therapy office located conveniently in Tuckerton. Busy Bees offers physical therapy, occupational therapy, and speech/language pathology services to infants, toddlers, and children of all ages. All services are provided in a clean, bright 3,000-square-foot facility with private therapy rooms and new equipment. All therapists are licensed and trained in the area of pediatrics & genuinely care about every child. Busy Bees was founded by Marcella Lippman, a local speech-language pathologist who herself was a child who stuttered and benefited from speech pathology services. Marcella grew up with a younger sibling with special needs who required physical therapy, occupational therapy, and speech/language pathology services, so in a sense, opening a children’s therapy facility was her destiny and a dream fulfilled. Marcella has worked in various settings and has experience with school-based therapy, NICU, pediatric outpatient and inpatient, early intervention, and adult rehabilitation. Just before opening Busy Bees Kids Therapy, she noticed the unmet need for pediatric therapy services, as many families she worked with had been driving many miles to receive quality care. Having opened the first Busy Bees Kids Therapy clinic in a 1,000 square foot space in Tuckerton just months before the global pandemic and has grown to the new larger facility is a testament to the needs of the children and families in the area and the resiliency of the therapy team! The Busy Bees Kids Therapy team is honored to be a Wellness Partner for David’s Dream and Believe Cancer Foundation. David Caldarella’s vision, his team’s work, and the fantastic foundation he has created are inspiring. We are thankful to assist with the mission of DDBF in memory of our dear family member David Lippman, who passed away in 2000 due to a battle with a glioblastoma brain tumor.