Whether you are an individual or business, it’s easy toy Pay It Forward with Planned Giving! Please read the very generous examples below from Paul & Informed Mortgage. Please contact David for more information on how you can take part in Planned Giving Today!
Paul from NY has made the conscious decision to Pay It Forward throughout the year with a recurring donation automatically deducted from his paycheck biweekly that is sent directly to DDBCF. Paul has been Making A Difference in the lives of our patients for several years!
Planned Giving also creates unique opportunities for businesses to have a positive impact on their local community. Informed Mortgage recently signed up to participate in Planned Giving through a partnership with Volatile Media Management. Informed Mortgage has committed to donating $25 per closed loan out of their Manahawkin, NJ Office.
We would love to create similar relationships with like-minded individuals and business owners. Please contact David at davidsdreamandbelieve.org for further information.