In 2010, a group of friends created a philanthropic organization called David’s Dream & Believe Cancer Foundation with the goal of supporting one or two Families per year battling a cancer diagnosis.
Today, we wrote a grant check for our 1,001st Family affected by a cancer diagnosis. 694 Families offered financial assistance in just the past 3 years with countless more families receiving wellness services and emotional support. This would not be possible without the support from our Board of Directors, Patient Advocates, Service-Arm Providers, individual donors, business sponsors, community partners and volunteers who serve by our side as A Beacon of Hope to our families battling this deadly disease.
It’s only fitting that members from our youth group, Generation Dream share the news with all of you!
On behalf of Co-Founders Tim Hall and Carmen Malatino and our Board of Directors – thank you from the bottom of our hearts for affording us the opportunity to shine a bright light of Hope for families during their darkest of times.
Please consider joining us as we continue to serve those in need – Donate Today or contact david@davidsdreamandbelieve.
David Caldarella