The 2nd Annual Frank A. Cosimano Memorial Golf Classic to benefit David’s Dream & Believe Cancer Foundation will take place at White Beeches Golf & Country Club on Monday October 16, 2017. We want to welcome Hackensack Meridian Health as our newest Presenting Sponsor joining Bergen Risk Managers, Otterstedt Insurance Agency and Jetty.
The Cosimano and Caldarella families both grew up in north jersey but spent every summer and most off-season weekends together on Long Beach Island. The Cosimano’s are family to Co-Founder David Caldarella and Mr. Cosimano was like a second dad. As many of you know, Frank A. Cosimano passed away on August 7th 2011 from Pancreatic cancer. Frank loved his wife Angela, daughter Kim son Jason, daughter-in-law Dorothy, his 6 grand kids, friends, animals, golf and most importantly helping others. He was passionate about giving back to individuals and charities. One charity that was very close to Frank and remains close to his family is David’s Dream & Believe Cancer Foundation. Please join us as we honor and remember this great man at The 2nd Annual Frank A. Cosimano Memorial Golf Classic to serve as “A Beacon of Hope” for all those families currently battling a cancer diagnosis.
We want to thank Jason, Kim and Mrs. Angela Cosimano for serving as Co-Chairs for this event. Jason is currently serving in his second year on the Board of Directors for David’s Dream & Believe Cancer Foundation.
A special thanks to our Golf Committee that includes family members and long-time friends from both the Caldarella and Cosimano families. We want to recognize Michael & Todd Accomando, Leonard Kaiser, Jaqueline Ceccarelli-Komsa, Ed Komsa, Lauren Komsa Curtis, Dr. Robert Siconolfi, Stephen P. Sinisi Esq. and Christina Ulmer.
Thank you to Greg Porcino from Golf Event Management. Also, want to thank the staff at White Beeches Golf & Country Club and long-time friends of the Cosimano and Caldarella families: Lauren McGovern and Jim McGovern.
There is a limited number of sponsorship packages, individual player and/or dinner reception only tickets available for the 2nd Annual Frank A. Cosimano Memorial Golf Classic at White Beeches Golf & Country Club on Monday October 16, 2017.
We are pre-selling “The 2018 Masters Tournament Experience Trip for Two” raffle tickets for $50.00 – only 200 to be sold!

Please contact David Caldarella at: (609) 489-0011 or david@davidsdreamandbelieve.org for more information.