Dear Friends,
David ended the year with a Winter Wrap Up. I’d like to piggy back on his Wrap Up with a look forward into 2012. However, let’s take one final glance over our shoulder at 2011 to reflect on what we accomplished together in the first year of David’s Dream and Believe Cancer Foundation. We closed the year with over 75% of funding going directly to cancer patients and research. In addition to this giving, your support helped us become established as a fully accredited 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization that was able to plan and execute four significant fundraising events that generated charitable donations in excess of $45,000. Thanks and congratulations to all who had a hand in these accomplishments.
Looking forward, I refer to David’s “2012 Call to Action”.
David made the following request:
“I’m asking YOU (our supporters) to get creative and hold your own fundraising activities on behalf of DD&BCF from now until our 2nd Annual DD&BCF LBI Summer Kick off BBQ in June 2012 (Exact Date TBD). The Foundation will lend as much additional support as needed including our 501(c)(3) documentation, informational flyers, t-shirts and wristbands.”
Here in Kentucky, Ashley, Janice and I are going to accept David’s challenge and plan a Bonfire Barbecue event for the last Saturday in April (4/28/12). This is the Saturday before the Kentucky Derby and the Saturday when the Derby Festival Mini-Marathon is run. If all goes as planned, the Bonfire Barbecue will be a celebration of a 13.1 mile trek that Dave and myself will have made that day. If you are inclined to join us in Kentucky for the race or bonfire, mark your calendars now. Stay tuned for more details.
The Bonfire Barbecue is our response to David’s Call to Action. Our vision for this event is to generate relationships with new supporters to help advance the DD&BCF mission. Some additional ideas to think about as you consider David’s Call to Action . . . bake sales, garage sales, car washes, pancake breakfasts, dinners, racing (run, bike, tri), Super Bowl party, silent auctions, bowl-a-thons, classrooms collecting Coins for a Cure, dress down days/jeans to work for a contribution/fee, sports cap/jersey to school/work for a contribution/fee, email/letter campaigns, etc.
If you decide to organize an event, Please email us at so we can help you realize your unique vision for supporting the mission of DD&BCF. We have T-shirts, adult/kids wrist bands and we are developing an informational flyer for ease of communicating the DD&BCF mission. Lastly, David hopes to be able to join you at your event whenever it is feasible.
We look forward to 2012 and partnering with you to bring Hope and Faith to those ready to Dream and Believe.
Tim Hall